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Document Title: [Stargate Panel.html (html file)]

Stargate control panel layout and measurements
Typed by Franklin Bowen (bowens@erols.com) 4/8/96

Here's the layout (courtesy of Steve Hawley -  hawley@adobe.com)

                 (1)     (2)

          O                     (T)(F)
           (R)                (S)
                     (H)    (I)

1,2 - 1 and 2 player start, tranparent red
O - up,down lever, red (can use a Joust stick)
R reverse, white
T thrust, white
F fire, white
S smart bomb, green
I inviso, red
H hyperspace, white

FYI, the defender layout was identical except that the 1 & 2 player
start buttons were white and there was no inviso.  The wiring harness
for stargate will work on a Defender board set.

All measurements are in cm

- plywood is 1.9 thick

       |A  14.7    ^
       |           |
 14.7  | 11.6    17.2        (from side)
       |           |
       |B  7.35    v

* is rounded and around 2.1 cm thick
- Angle A is 99 o while angle B is 101 o.

  (looking down on top of control panel)

                                   <- 62 ->
 |                                                                            |
 |    2.5                                                                     |
 |     -                         4.7       4.7            4.7  4.7            |
 |    | |                   27.15 O         O 27.15         O   O 11.75       |
 |    | |                                                   <- 15.5 ->        |
 |12.9|O|                                               7.65                  |
 |    | |                                                O 18.4               |
 |    | | 9.7                                                                 |
 |     -   O                                        10.65                     |
 |<- 18.5 ->                                          O 21.25                 |
 |                               29.45 O 29.45                                |
 |                                    4.7                                     |

- Os are buttons and joystick
- measurements are from CENTER of button hole THROUGH the number
- measurements are from the EDGE of the joystick THROUGH the number
- the measurements from the bottom would be if it was UNROUNDED!
- rounding starts 15.4cm from top
- button holes are 2.95-3cm across
- channel for joy is 2.45cm wide and ABOUT 6.7-7cm long